Things that bug MadIce
If you have ever been to the Stardock IRC server you probably recognize this question. People enter the channel and leave within a minute. Often they ask this or another question and leave. I can show you logs full of such samples.

These people are probably not familiar with IRC and think it is a kind of a phone. They expect to be answered immediately and they leave within a minute. Sometimes very angry because they didn't get an answer within a minute.

A second reason why people do that is because they want to try out the chat option in SDCentral or the WC Browser. If they don't see any activity for a minute or two they leave.

Being in such a channel and seeing those people come and go can be irritating, but we are getting used to it. However, most of them stay away from channels like #WinCustomize and #SDCentral because of that. These two channels are the ones used by SDCentral and the WC Browser to autmatically connect you to the IRC server.

You should remember that there are real people in these IRC channels, so don't be nasty to them. Stardock employees, skinners, SD/WC users and SD gamers all hang out there. These people are often connected to IRC for 24/7 and may be working with another program, sleeping, skinning, making coffee, answering a phone or away from their keybaord for another reason. So, chances are they they do not see you as soon as you appear. Remember that these people come from all over the world and may not be in the same timezone as you. Half of them are not even from the US. Nobody is rude to visitors intentionally, but if they are we will kick them off the channel. People in these channels are there for fun and may help you out if they know an answer to your question. So, next time you join please wait 15 minutes or so.

Some of you may be afraid to speak on IRC because they see "famous" names there. Don't worry about that, none of them behave like stars.

The IRC channel is intended as a support tool and should be fun in the first place. It can also be a great tool for people working on the same skinning project.

The SD IRC software is as simple as it gets, but you may need some extra information about its practical use and may need to learn a few commands. Also there are more hints and tips, like those described above. In addition, there are rules what we accept and do not accept on IRC. If you are interested I can write all of that down and make it a sticky thread (Jafo already agreed to that). Let me know if you are interested in that.

Have fun...
Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 12, 2003
Madice - I look forward to seeing your IRC guide. Looks like it's a mystery to a lot of people (especially me...) so your doc is worth pursuing.

You never know, may give it a go
on Jun 12, 2003

IRC confused the heck out of me when I started using it about 4 years ago.  But now I use it every day.  I even chat with people across the room on it (yeah, that's pretty geeky). 

Even though it is confusing at first, IRC is a good tool.  If you have a question for the developers, #stardock will get you in the same chat channel as they are.  It's also easy to use to get in touch with sales or support for a quick question, and you can also chat privately with it.

It's built into Stardock Central as a tool for information and real time connection.

on Jun 12, 2003
I have just finished a draft of the doc and I am waiting for feedback of some users who are not very familiar with IRC. I am not sure what to do with it yet. It is probably too large to use it for a sticky thread.
on Jun 12, 2003
what did you do write a book! hehe
and I have nothing against IRC actually the few times I had used it I was starting to like it alittle but just hard to sit still and chat, and it's silly being Dor|away when your doing other things and cannot chat or respond to ppl talking to you etc.

but I'd like to see this thingy Matt
on Jun 12, 2003
FTP it somewhere and post a link to it, so we can give feedback.
on Jun 12, 2003
goodmorphing edited for grammar, added ideas and changed the layout a bit.

jebland will test the contents and will probably come with more ideas.

koop will check the etiquette.

Bagginz will check the software descriptions.

Jafo will do the final spelling and grammar wizardry.

We now have a 9 page second revision.

Thanks all!

[Message Edited]
on Jun 13, 2003
It seems that doc will not be available on the WC site afterall. It will be intalled with the WinCustomize Browser and StardockCentral. It may even be integrated in the interface. Maybe under a button or in the help menu. We've just received confirmation of Stardock.
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