Things that bug MadIce
This news article is brought to you by an algorithm.
Published on September 17, 2003 By MadIce In Personal Computing
Have any of you seen ?

This Google site (in beta) is a fully automated news site. According to Google: "The headlines that appear on Google news are selected entirely by computer algorithms, based on how and where the stories appear elsewhere on the web. There are no human editors at Google selecting or grouping the headlines and no individual decides which stories get top placement. This occasionally results in some articles appearing to be out of context."

I like the idea. It gives me some insight in what news is produced and which of that is popular. They now have various news sites localized: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

If you didn't do so already then have a look.

on Sep 17, 2003
I agree. That is pretty darn neat. Google is one of the smartest companies on the net. They truly "get it".